Special place

 Let me notice that  "special place" could have different concept and  it is very individual.  

For me SP is the place where I can release my mind from the trash of the passed events, to get equilibrium, to get inspiration, bless.

Everyone has its own SP  and its own way and if he is clear his heart points the way.  


With my best regards and thanks to my relatives F-lia  Rossi, to dear Teresa

a great wife, a super mother , the honest person, and the true friend , who was born in Rome,

who  made me stop in Rome more than a week, insisting that even one week was not enough for seeing all its beauty.  She told me about some of and I stayed  exploring. Thus it went to several weeks. Several weeks were my explorations in the  thousands years history and experience of  the human beings, it was a journey through times and lives of many generations that brought me “to manage to break through the life and time flow and view this flow from the above”, 

as a reader, a great friend and the gifted person, Nastya Sazonova wrote.

And more of that I was in love for the most beautiful city in the world. 

 And it became my rebirth. 

It put me on the way that brought me to work on  

and then  to create "The Substance of Freedom":


"I opened this door to freedom in Rome, strolling through the centuries and millennia of human being life. 

This time Rome became the end point of my journey in search of freedom. 

This was surely the aim of my life’s path passed and became a turn point of my existence" 

from "Substance of Freedom"

The inspiration from the experience and knowledge I had got in Rome became one of the sources of the project "Bell'Art"

that started in 2001 within "Bell'Art:Woman Perception":


Eternal city.

Soaked in the full blaze of the sun, the glade of Forum.

  A man, radiant with joy, is reading a newspaper. 

The big letters stare on me to be read:

 the saying "Finche viviamo, dobbiamo imparare l'arte da vivere” 

 “While living we shall learn the art of living”. Seneca .... 

see "Bell'Art"

History of Europe, the Beauty, the Arts, the Passion, the Love is Rome. 

"The history of the whole world is linked to this city and I think 

the day I arrived in Rome as second birthday, a true rebirth",  J.Goethe

"Rome is more than just a city, it is an emotional experience of two thousand years old."

 Around Rome on the way to Florence, ex Etruria. 

This photo was made from the Etruscan hill, which is now a town Fiesolo, 

just 15 minutes from the downtown of Florence (left in the middle), 

the view is on all the city of Florence. 


The other place is a Moses mountain:



..climb a  Moses mountain,

 leave the crowd insensibly, 

and not being involved in bustle of the Earth, 

perceive afflatus...







 Special places:

...... there are many path to God, to welfare;

 and  positive thinking is the main distinction of the right path 

away from the misleading

and it may get the right vision in the right place where you may find yourself  in the bless of spiritual freedom



....and a lonely coast away from the city noise  ...

and the early morning at the sea

and  the lace secured by the Alps 

may be the place 

any place ,

where Yours "I" is without verbs, adjective, participle... only I, free of everything I... ,

could be called the special place

and everyone has its own 

for this you are to be honest with yourself and be yourself in harmony. 


and if you are lucky to find a soul mate with whom your personal harmony is just huger 

and you share special places for mutual joy

the whole world is belong to you two blessed

"Помнишь, восхождение на Парнас в романе Фаулза "Волхв"?  

Я еще в Грецию так и не съездила... А ты?" ... to K, 2004


all the photos - Gera's



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